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RCA News

RCA Releases Video Interview with Dr. Martin Cooper

Amy Beckham | Published on 4/2/2023

The Radio Club of America (RCA) Releases Video Interview with Dr. Martin Cooper on the

50th Anniversary of his Historical Cell Phone Call


RCA (the Radio Club of America, the world’s most prestigious society of wireless professionals), is pleased to present this interview with Dr. Marty Cooper, which was recorded on March 14, 2023.


On April 3, 1973, he placed the first public call from a handheld portable cell phone while working with Motorola. He is considered as the “father of the (handheld) cell phone and is also cited as the first person in history to make a handheld cellular phone call in public.


Dr. Cooper is the recipient of the 2010 RCA Lifetime Achievement Award, 1996 RCA Fred M. Link Award, and was elevated to RCA Fellow in 1981.


Watch the interview on our YouTube Channel HERE.


Read the full Press Release HERE.