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Career & Training


Wireless continues to be a rapidly evolving industry with new advances almost daily.


It’s vital for those that are trying to start a career in wireless, or to advance their present wireless careers, to continue their education.   RCA is committed to helping its members and the wireless industry continually improve their wireless knowledge.

Our annual Technical Symposium has provided top industry speakers presenting on leading edge topics in wireless for many years.  Some of the more recent presentation slide decks are archived on our Website.  Lately (thanks to our sponsor Icom) we have been videoing those presentations.  More information on our past Technical Symposiums can be found here.

Those requiring CEUs for professional engineering licenses or similar, can obtain CEUs if they attend our Technical Symposium in person, and complete an application with a nominal payment to our education partner who issues the CEU certificate.  More information on this is provided at the Symposium.